The Goods and The Bads of Elixir
The Goods and The Bads of Elixir – The core strength of Elixir is its language, which in programming could fit into many settings. This is the power of being the product of telecommunication network. The good qualities also come with several limitations and the users should be prepared for them as well. What are the plus and minus points of Elixir?
– Advantages of Using Elixir
Among other qualities, one quality loved the most by the users is the immutability. Elixir with its functional languages could be arranged to be various designs. However, the data created using Elixir cannot be changed. These data are automatically locked by the system. The only option to change even only a small detail is restarting from the beginning again.
If one should re-explain the concept of Elixir immutability again, he or she might say that the idea should be fixed. It is not possible to add more details once the design is made. Those who could see the brighter side interprets that the draft should be thought thoroughly.
Another good quality of Elixir system is the resemblance to mini-OS. Every time the users input new order; the data has separated memories. As more process and inputs are added to the design, the system automatically transmits the instructions among the existing processes.
– Limitation of Using Elixir
Although people favor Elixir for its simpler process and rapid transmission of the instruction, there is big limitation on the ecosystem. Despite of its years of existence, the supporting ecosystem is not well-developed. Those who need answers for their questions related to Elixir cannot find it online. Even online casino site is wise enough to provide 24/7 operator assistance.
Once you finish the design made by Elixir, it is common to conduct a test. Unfortunately, not many apps could provide accurate report on Elixir design. Thus, the users should manually check the integration of the inputs. This is a hard work.
In a product, there are always two sides; the good and the bad. They cannot be separated, so the users need to cope with all of them. When the users are in awe with Elixir’s strengths, it is also important to consider the limitations as well. Then, learn how to deal with these minus points.